AutoForms-0.5.0: GUI library based upon generic programming (SYB3)ContentsIndex
GUI-layout of EC types
ComIO handling
From WxHaskell
Import this module to use the WxHaskell instance of AutoForms (called WxForm)
module Graphics.UI.AF.General
module Graphics.UI.AF.WxForm.WxList
data EC a
class (Data ECCreatorD a, GInstanceCreator a, Show a, TypePresentation a WxAct ComH WxM ECCreatorD EC) => ECCreator a
wxParentProxy :: WxM ()
type SatCxt = ECCreatorD
layoutAs :: LayoutManager -> EC a -> EC a
singleColumn :: LayoutManager
dualColumn :: LayoutManager
singleRow :: LayoutManager
reverseGuis :: LayoutManager -> LayoutManager
finalDepth :: EC a -> EC a
data Parent = forall w . Parent Window w
io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
join2 :: EC a -> EC b -> (ComIO a -> ComIO b -> WxM ()) -> EC (a, b)
startWx :: AutoForm WxAct ComH WxM SatCxt EC => String -> WxM a -> IO ()
data WxAct a
type ComH = InnerEC
data WxM a
data ECCreatorD a
module Graphics.UI.AF.General
module Graphics.UI.AF.WxForm.WxList
data EC a
Component type for the Wx instance of AutoForm
show/hide Instances
Valued EC
Mergeable EC
AutoForm WxAct ComH WxM SatCxt EC
Dialog WxAct ComH WxM SatCxt EC
Labeled (EC a)
Merge ((,) (EC a) (EC b)) (EC ((,) a b))
class (Data ECCreatorD a, GInstanceCreator a, Show a, TypePresentation a WxAct ComH WxM ECCreatorD EC) => ECCreator a
Main class for generic construction of EC - see also genericEC. Instantiate this class to make custom construction of ECs.
show/hide Instances
wxParentProxy :: WxM ()
A Parent type proxy
type SatCxt = ECCreatorD
Parameter for the Wx instance of AutoForm
GUI-layout of EC types
layoutAs :: LayoutManager -> EC a -> EC a
Attach a new layout manager to an EC. Layout manager such as dualColumn or singleRow can be used.
singleColumn :: LayoutManager
Puts one or more Layouts in a column, without any heading (label).
dualColumn :: LayoutManager
singleRow :: LayoutManager
Arranges all gui components (widgets) in a row.
reverseGuis :: LayoutManager -> LayoutManager
finalDepth :: EC a -> EC a
Tells WxForm to try to keep the GUI as small as possible. It will only work from this EC and it's sub-components (sub-ECs).
data Parent
forall w . Parent Window w
io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
ComIO handling
join2 :: EC a -> EC b -> (ComIO a -> ComIO b -> WxM ()) -> EC (a, b)
Joins two EC to one.
From WxHaskell
startWx :: AutoForm WxAct ComH WxM SatCxt EC => String -> WxM a -> IO ()
data WxAct a
show/hide Instances
type ComH = InnerEC
data WxM a
show/hide Instances
Monad WxM
MonadFix WxM
MonadIO WxM
SimpleDialog WxM
WxContextMonad WxM
RefMonad WxM IORef
Process WxM WxAct
AutoForm WxAct ComH WxM SatCxt EC
Dialog WxAct ComH WxM SatCxt EC
Labeled (WxM ((,,) (ComIO a) Widget GUI))
Merge ((,) (ComIO a) (ComIO b)) (WxM (ComIO ((,) a b)))
Merge ((,) (InnerEC a) (InnerEC b)) (WxM (InnerEC ((,) a b)))
data ECCreatorD a
The dictionary type for the ECCreator class
show/hide Instances
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