AutoForms-0.5.0: GUI library based upon generic programming (SYB3)ContentsIndex
List with sub-window for editing elements
multiLineEC :: MakeEC String
listECChooser :: forall a. (ECCreator a, Show a, Eq a, GInstanceCreator a) => MakeEC [a]
bareList :: forall a. (ECCreator a, Eq a, Show a, GInstanceCreator a) => [a] -> WxM (ComH [a], ComH [Int])
splitWithIndices :: [Int] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
multiLineEC :: MakeEC String
Constructs an EC for multi-line text string.
listECChooser :: forall a. (ECCreator a, Show a, Eq a, GInstanceCreator a) => MakeEC [a]
A type-specific case for lists.
bareList :: forall a. (ECCreator a, Eq a, Show a, GInstanceCreator a) => [a] -> WxM (ComH [a], ComH [Int])
A list ComH and selected ComH. The list do not have any buttons.
splitWithIndices :: [Int] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
Splits a list in two parts, according to the indices parameter. The first is the indices, the second are the rest of list.
List with sub-window for editing elements
Produced by Haddock version