| AutoForms-0.5.0: GUI library based upon generic programming (SYB3) | Contents | Index |
Graphics.UI.AF.General.Dialog |
Documentation |
class AutoForm action comH builder satCxt com => Dialog action comH builder satCxt com | action -> comH, comH -> builder, builder -> satCxt, satCxt -> com, com -> action where |
| Methods | settingsDialog | :: Eq a | | => com a | | -> Maybe (a -> action ()) | Apply. However, this parameter may be ignored by a given instance.
If Nohting then there will be no apply button.
| -> a -> action () | OK
| -> action () | Canel
| -> action () | |
| | blockingWindow :: ((Maybe b -> action ()) -> com a) -> action (Maybe b) | Creates a blocking window.
| | blockingSettingsDialog :: com a -> action (Maybe a) | Blocking version of settingsDialog.
| | Instances | |
Produced by Haddock version |